BuSy Week~~

Despite busy schedule at work, non-stop raving gear requesition, working hard on new moves, practising my vocal -.-''', cleaning up my 'zen' territory, thinking about the past, present and future....

I am still so going to be there for it considering me not going to Tiesto sob~sob~sob~, it takes 100 gigs and performances to replace the great lost.

Ok this one.... Guarantee Pergi!

This one.... If budget allows! (grabbed from masterfreeze)

This one.... 2 weeks to go lah.... Still thinking but 80% positive coz i heard Deadworm live.. potential local band. The vocal especially.... simply estatic.

So... you know where i'll be when i'm not busy neh. Unofficial invitation to those that has got nothing better to do. Nudge me

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