BaTtle IsSue

To all my shufflers mate that read this post. (YOUR SUPPORT IS APPRECIATED!)

That's how i look when used to be curios, excited, happy when i hear about going to Shuffle in Park, Club, Party and all that. And now when i hear BATTLE in shuffling... (actually photos were taken while waiting for CkC in the car with Mr Appendix and he took his sweet time in his home without realizing we are even waiting already)

Melbourne Shuffle again is going the wrong direction now. From a happy shuffling in rave by bunch of happy kandy ravers to an underage trying to be the best shuffler and form a group of people not to share the same passion and promoting the dance but to challenge others to battle. It's not that they are bad kids they are just naive and don't understand the whole culture and the history itself and the DO's and DONT's.

Hello.. Wake up. Melbourne Shuffle is on foot walk shuffle only and you are suppose to shuffle while appreciating the music itself to express yourself. Not for others to see how good you are. It doesn’t matter how good or bad you are.

I'm starting with a campaign to stop the battle culture before it kills Melbourne Shuffle. Such as this article from Star
*click*. It’s sad and for it to go into Malaysian News is even worst.

Stop battle and keep Melbourne Shuffle alive. If you care.



coz a true Melbourne Shuffler don't battle... Educate the people before it's too late

2 Voices:

Anonymous said...

Alicia, you look so cute in the pics :P

Aliciaks said...

hehehe thanks! =P