LAst MoNgoLians in Kuching LeAve tOday~~

Quote of the day : I saw this quote under one of my msn contact.. it made me smile for many days now... if not mistaken it's 3 days in a row. it says "She said I never want to see you ever again, so i poked her in the eyes"

This morning, I opened my eyes at 6am just to see my friends leave. I really cannot imagine their stay under the same roof on the same bed squeezing my personal space for the past 1 and a half-month has come to an end in split second. I actually enjoyed their existent on a lonely time like this. They ch
eered me up a lot especially Odno with our girls talk. My parent were also at joy when Odno & Bars were here because it has been a long time since we have a 9 years old in da house.

As people always say, EVERY MEETING ENDS WITH AN END. I guess this is the end of the Mongolian history in Kuching for now… The first three Mongolian I met was Shinee, Ganzo and Tuvshuu back in end of 2005 where Shinee jumped into the car and started to quarrel with Johnny over who are the best dancers in Grappa and challenged to battle the week after that. =.=’’’

In these years knowing them, I learnt a lot about their culture, learn basic of their language and almost the only few person that understand their different intonation English. Meeting them is not a bad or good thing. It’s just some routine god has arranged for my journey. It’s fate.

Photos taken right before Odno & Bars leaves. I love you guys!

.:Bars Enjoying his LAST SUPPER in Kuching:.

.:Bars with his favourite Wantan Soup.... he still got space in his tummy!:

.:Master Ng, mum, Odno, Bars & the dogs (William-black) & (Iwan-White):.

.:This is up to where i can send them:.

Anyway, People come, people go… Sherlee is coming back middle of May. =)

And yes… I obviously hate to be alone. Without soul mates, I am like a fish without water.

Ka Ki Jio Kia Seng~~

I received an email from some training and development company that will hold a workshop to Discover the Essentials of an Effective Manager…. This is a very good quote but I already know or almost like my previous post or at least same method… Just to nudge everyone =P

· Resist Recruiting Allies (in another word... KUA PUA)
It is reassuring to find evidence that “I am not the only one who thinks our boss is a disorganized mess.” But the more you bond over the negative, the larger that negative looms in your own life.

· Focus on Strengths (in another word… FU SIANG LI YONG)
Remind yourself of the contributions your colleagues or subordinates made; to you, to the team and to the company. This will take the edge off your annoyance.

· Get Out of the Way (in another word… CHAP SIAW EE)
Some personalities push buttons so personally sensitive that you are able only to cringe. If you cannot diminish the intensity of your reaction, at least reduce your contact.

· Look in the Mirror (in another word… JIO KIA LA)
Not everyone at your office is as affected by the other’s personality as you are. If you can figure out your role in the dynamic or the source of your response, you will learn something important about yourself.

Actual fact is... It doesn’t matter how we put it... in a good way or in a sarcastic way but it serve the same purpose. Just different people need different way of communication or else it will cause conflict. Then we have to go for IMPROVE YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILL training again… But if we can understand each other, there isn’t gna be any conflict at all..


My suggestion is READ SELF-IMPROVEMENT BOOK. A very good one to start with is PERSONALITY PLUS. Why? Coz we should understand ourselves more than anyone else before we start judging others and i read that book back in 2001.

GOOD NEWS IS, everything can be found online now…. Just do the test and then click on your personality. It’s a great start, very insteresting and fun. Good Luck!

Note: Remember, you are not fond to only 1 personality... Maybe a mixture of 2 or 3 but the highest points will indicate you are more to the group. If you are interested about it but don’t quite understand, feel free to call me for lim teh. I love to be a mock philosopher at times coz i don't think lokek ilmu is a good practise… XD

Step 1. Take the Personality Plus Test

Step 2. Copy or print then Mark in each row that best describes you.

Step 3. Get Total 'Marked' Each Column.

Step 4. Click on one of these links to view the aspects of each personality style

I’m 44% Sanguine, 29% Choleric, 17% Melancholy & 10% Phelegmatic…. If not mistaken, I had a higher % in Choleric & Melancholy than Sanguine last time. People do change. Use it as a guide to build your positive self =)

A Man Can Change His Star

I HaTe~~~


(Ya that’s me shouting inside... I really hate em' with all my heart)

this is almost how i usually feel like doing... PAIN LOTSA PAIN!

(minute 8.40 is how i can't express it)

I love this movie.. it's sad that Heath Ledger died early.... A knight's Tale was and still is my favourite movie >.<

FrIend TrEaT or TriCk~~~

Over lunch yesterday, Rina was saying that the secret to maintain a good relationship with your partner is to treat them as friend besides good communication. This is because in most relationships, people take things for granted. They will show their true color, shouting at each other, angry for no reason with reason but refuse to say it out and expect the partner knows it, answering the phone by saying ‘ah what?’, show their 1km long face when not happy, being very moody over some little thing said. Well, instead of being a lovely couple or husband and wife, it becomes unhappy relationship. Most people will think it over and over again why they are still together and they do love each other but why is the relationship struggling. Mine was in this stage I guess.. lol

Simple, because you don’t treat your partner as friend. In front of your friends, you will not lose your cool and show your home habit out. You will be more cheerful as most people don’t bring their personal matter to others. Friends instead are the people that will help you solve your problem when you are willing to share.

But what if there are people that take their friends for granted?

It’s really a pain in the ass when you are having fun on a nice day out and suddenly one of your friends just became very quiet at certain times, wondering around, answering your questions rudely as if in this world, they are the only one that have feelings and not even noticing that other people DOES NOTICE their mood swing.

For some people, these kind of friends are to be abandon coz they have no blood connection, not a relative or anyone important so why do we give a fuck about it. Next time just don’t mix with them.

But for people that care or close friends that wouldn’t want to just lose a friend because of their bad habit from home should tell them straight what’s the problem whether they like it or not coz it is tiring to hang out with unsporting people that would talk and laugh about anything when they are happy and mock your every words when they are not in the mood. Whether or not they want to accept it and change or just got pissed off and distance themselves, there is nothing we can do about it because it’s their own choice and as friends, we respect it. For my own point of view, that's the best way to sort things out instead of we being irritated behind them and say 'I hate it when this happen or they are always like that one lah' all the time without even them realizing that they are ruining the whole group's party.

All EmOkids Must Die~~

Not getting over with the exciting violent dance and hardcore music madness these days, someone told me “All Emokids Must Die” is a title of a song. I really don’t know much about Emokids. All I understand is they are people that show their pain with painful acts and their fashion is on hoodie too. Well I try digging in the song and want to find out what’s so great about the song, and finally found it. Sang Ragdolls from Sweden.

Not forgetting someone dedicated this video to all the Emokids with Lyric…

Lyric - All Emokids Must Die

They expand like a diseace
Kids with faces full of greace
They brag about their pain they claim they are insane
They’re sitting on the ground listening to a depressive sound
Rebellious of our time the’re not worth a fucking dime
I wanna chop their heads
I wanna see them dead
But that’s what you want? RIGHT!??

Die! Die! All Emokids Must Die!
Die! Die! All Emokids Must Die!
Die! Die! All Emokids Must Die!
Die! Die! All Emokids Must Die!

Why do you cut your arms when it doesn’t make no harm?
If you wanna die just go ahead and try
You wanna show the world how you feel and what you’ve heard
If you wanna die, go ahead and try!
I wanna chop their heads
I wanna see them dead
But that’s what you want? RIGHT!??

Die! Die! All Emokids Must Die!
Die! Die! All Emokids Must Die!
Die! Die! All Emokids Must Die!
Die! Die! All Emokids Must Die

Die! Die! All Emokids Must Die!
Die! Die! All Emokids Must Die!
Die! Die! All Emokids Must Die!
Die! Die! All Emokids Must Die!

In case if you want to own some of their merchandize,

And after I watch this video about why emo should die, I finally understand what it is and found out that nothing interesting about being an EMO coz everyone hopes so much for EMO to die so I rather be myself.

KucHing UnderGround MuSic MadNess

.:The Poster i copied from Disharmonic Movement's Myspace:.

.:The Tickets yeah.. only RM5:.

Finally I am able to make it with O.K. with a knowing that there will be 90% Malay in the gig and we don’t give a damn coz once again to reinstate, we are not racist and just hope that they are not too against us. But I guess we both don’t look so Chinese anyway so we are safe? The gig overall rating was not bad at all... the bands played their own composed song and some covers from famous artist that i don't know at all.

.:I was standing on the grill coz am too short Wit a season camwhore Converse:.

For me honestly, the room is small, ventilation is bad but the spirit to organize such gig by Disharmonic Movement deserves a big round of applause and a pat on the back. Just being there to support local scene and open my knowledge wider to accept other genre as long as it is music, dance and art. What disappoint me is they hate Melbourne Shufflers. I really feel like giving the self proclaimed MC (Basist of United Kids of Oi!) a final blow aka tumbukan maut (of course on his private part la…) when he said something like ‘Supportlah underground scene and don’t let the scene conquered by the Shufflers!!!!~~~!!!’ Followed by the crowd shouting ‘YAY!!!!!!!!!’ and some shouted ‘FUCK SHUFFLERS!!!!!~~~~!!!’

.:The basist that spoilt my day but i cannot lie that he's got style and very active in pogoing others:.

O.K looked at me and gave me a Senyuman Penyindir and I looked at him with a rolling eye and of course with some very polite and soft-sounded #@!$^@%#&@!!^@(^%#!% coz I was out numbered in the room. For all the spirit to support the local scene and that is what I heard from them sounded like I am standing inside an enemy territory. I cooled down and told O.K that they should be more sporting coz I as a shuffler is supporting their scene and why are they trying so hard to condemn ours? This means that the shufflers already rulez and that’s why he said don’t let the shufflers CONQUERED… It’s just normal reaction so I continue to enjoy the music. On addition, O.K said that in Penang couple years ago he went to an underground gig and they make fun of BBoys in their gig where they menghina BBoying and everyone at once just simply do some unknown bboy moves to represent ‘FUCK BBOY’. I don’t know why they are like that… or they are just like that?

Anyway this Band (DEADWORM) roxx my soxx… The lead can actually do 2 voices in a time without sounding bad. My favourite band of the day =)

After another band finished with their round, there’s this band with all the fatties aka Si Gemukz (THE RETZO)…

.:Harrashing my passion for Melbourne Shuffle:.

I do not have anything against the fatties too and their songs are in fact quite cool… Just that I am more disappointed this time and wish to poke away the lead singer’s FAT when he told the crowd that the next song is for all THE SHUFFLERS and that song’s lyric is not a supportive one I must say. I suddenly feel ashame of how the Musicians foresee Melbourne Shufflers as if it’s a treat to their scene. Whether to cover my face with my handbag or my hand so that no one will recognize me as Aliciaks the Melbourne Shuffler and suddenly Pogo me or something.

Speaking of Pogo, it's how Violent/Hardcore dance work, from the 1st video above, you kinda saw people fighting? I also thought at 1st that what a rough action they are putting up and assuming someone will get hurt anytime soon and someone may starts a fight but actually they are not… It’s call the HxC Violent Dance and they even have a moment call WALL OF DEATH. It’s quite fun if you are doing it with your friends and can be dangerous too coz anyone can get hurt anytime. Here’s the video in Kuching, and in the West.





I also learnt that besides Violent Dance, there’s another move to do when it comes to happy tune like reggae, ska or grime music. It looks abit like Hakken slow version or jumpstyle without jumping. They call it Skank.

SKANKING – KUCHING.. In live, I saw some really good skanker but this is the video I got… a bit too soft but that’s what they did.. I need not to cover the truth.



And now I hope everyone knows a little bit more about Underground music that they are not just jumping and fighting. The thing I like about this gig is that, people who went to this gig were not on drug or at least I can’t recognize any I AM HIGH face. However, there are also certain moves for the music just like Melbourne Shuffle or any other dances. The more you support different activities, the wider your knowledge is. But… there’s always pros & cons. The pros are, I found out that Kuching has good underground bands & supporters and learnt 2 of the new dances. The Cons are they are negative coz they dislike others for example Melbourne Shufflers for whatever reason they have, I don’t want to know.

Will or will I not support the next gig? It depends on whether my disappointment nerves are cooling off or not coz honestly I quite like their music even though I know zero of the title or the real artist or even memorizing their band’s name. Just that I am hoping so much that they didn’t or won’t mention anything about Melbourne Shufflers or even other genre. Where are all the UNITE ALL AS ONE and the SUPPORT LOCAL SCENE spirit… Sometimes I wonder if I am just too naïve.

I don't know if the underground music lover or those that involved in that gig is going to hate me but my reply to them is... they hurt me even deeper when the 1st time I hear them insulting the Melbourne Shufflers and I didn't even walk out from the room... All these because of what? People make mistakes, we are not born haters and most of all, I love Kuching and the scene.

.:Peace out:.


On the way back from work today, we saw a big nice rainbow after a heavy rain. While i was busy taking this photo just to post in my blog of this nice big rainbow... My dad spoiled my admiration by saying ' Rainbow represents the Homo' =.='''

I do not have personal sexism against homo but the sudden information from him just distracted me from taking more photographs. Instead I can't wait to reach home and google it coz i just can't believe my dad is more advance than me.

Finally, found the information of Gay Pride in Wikipedia... Trust me.. I didn't edit it =P

.:Means Peace in Italian:.

And for your information, I've been listening to 'Happy Is Voor Homo' mixed by Europe's no.1 hardcore DJ (Neophyte) since March and like it very much too... Told everyone I listen to Hardcore but they though i'm just lying because I don't want to send them any hardstyle song... here goes lah!

CKC Cha Kueh~~ err…

Cha Kueh (Chinese Fried Raddish/ Yam Cake). The original flavour was Raddish but these days Yam is also very popular of special aroma from the yam. CKC’s dad is a Cha Kueh stall operator at A One BDC and we go there almost every Sunday. At least once every forth night to support his dad and partially because we are addicted to the Cha Kueh. And don't look down on the coffee shop. In A One itself, we have at least 2 shufflers at work on weekend and they are people that appreciate hardstyle. That's also one of the reason we support that shop, coz they have great future ravers at work.

PROMOTION! Those who read this post must go to CKC dad’s cha kueh stall at BDC A ONE that is available at RM2.50, RM3.00, RM5.00 & RM10.00.

The photo above is actually Aliciaks’s cha kueh. He he he.. We did our Cha Kueh & O-Kueh project last Sunday in another of our Sunday Blue’s team building activity. Since we are making yam cha kueh, might as well to make Chinese yam cake too. For a packet of 500gram rice flour, we were able to make 1 small tray of Yam Cake and 4 plates of RM2.50 cha kueh.

Here’s the entire photo blog process.

.:Ingrediant -missing : Eggs, dark soya sauce, msg, cooking oil:.



.:Fried the topping:.

.:Steamed the flour mix of water, rice flour, pepper, msg:.

.:Ready to eat:.

.:RM0.40 each anyone?:.



.:Ugliest steamed mix by Mr Appendix:.

.:Cut it with white tread like how professional do IT'S HOT!!!:.

.:Fry the cake till it's golden brown:.

.:Arrange it like as if it's for sale:.

.:CKC at work:.

.:It's ok but need more practise.. he never try making a cha kueh before mar.. One day he will master his dad's Kungfu we guess.. lolx:.

.:Sweet Cha Kueh attempt.. too hard and look like Pork with Soya Sauce:.

-Should have left some of the cake unfried at 1st coz sweet cha kueh needs to be soft and sweet-

.:The 3rd & 4th Plate of Aliciaks's Cha Kueh looks the same as this! - double posted:.

After all the hard work of shopping and cooking and eating and washing, we rather just eat out and pay... Morning Cha Kueh at A One BDC where CKC's dad rules and night's Cha Kueh, Kenyalang still rulez! Are we gna make another cha kueh session again? Yes of course! if we got time....

I just realized that i eat cha kueh more than anythingelse these days... Even had Cha Kueh on Saturday afternoon at Song Kheng Hai with (O.K) after I mistaken the date for Kuching Jamm Bands a Kuching's Underground Music Gig... It's gna be this week and I don't know if I will be able to make it coz i might have some work to do -.-''' how to support local scene la like this... ISHHH

The food above which we homemade are all pork free but is non-halal due to it's fried at my house so for Rai & Nasir.... sorry tak invite. If Nasir wanna make it at his house, we are more than happy to go and crash his kitchen since he has promised to make us Pizza since forever.

Nostalgic ViDeo~~~

This is the long forgotten or hidden video of the very 1st outdoor park shuffle organized and posted up by Vicky. During those days, Tribezone has not even existed and was the best day of shuffling scene when everyone was working hard trying to MASTER the basics instead of starting with Stomping that will cause knee injury if not doing it right.

90% of the people in the video work together hand to hand and brought up Tribezone namely :-

Herald - In white cap & white shirt
Tauhu - In brown Jacket
Alex - In green baby Milo Shirt
Vicky - In black singlet & black cap
Elvin - In black T with Big Star
Alicia - In black shirt & track
Arafan - In red no.77 jacket
Raymond - In pink shirt & 3/4 pant
Jonathan - In white shirt 3/4 pant

Those were the days!

But too bad of all the people above, I am the only remaining species with new people. Oh well, people come, people go must I say… I tried to find the group photo taken after the shuffling session, but couldn’t find it…. If you have that photo (which I cover my face), please send it to me ok!

Anyway, here goes..

SpaMmIng Yang MelaMpAu~~~

Recently, I became great lottery winner coz I strike millions dollar everyday and ton and ton of electrical appliances, estate, mobile phones, lap tops, luxury cars and you name it all also suddenly became the heiress of a kingdom of a forest somewhere in Africa.

As I am not an idiot, of course I will delete the emails daily. But what about the naïve and innocent people? Those that lost their money from the lottery emails they received?

The thing is, they are getting out of hands.. These spammers are stepping over the line I must say… They are actually using the establish brand to con the stupiak and greedy people nowadays. Below are two examples from the emails I received.

Add contact
Friday, April 11, 2008 5:37:28 AM



I am Mr.Wellington, i have been waiting for you since to contact me for your
Confirmable BankDraft of $800.000.00 United States Dollars, but I did not hear
from you since that time.

Then I went and deposited the Draft with FEDEX COURIER SERVICE, West Africa, I
Travelled out of the country for a 3 Months Course and I will not come back
till end of July.

What you have to do now is to contact the FEDEX COURIER SERVICE as soon as
possible to know when they will deliver your package to you because of the
expiring date.

For your information, I have paid for the delivering Charge, Insurance premium
and Clearance Certificate Fee of the cheque showing that it is not a Drug
Money or meant to sponsor Terrorist attack in your Country.

The only money you will send to the FEDEX COURIER SERVICE to deliver your
Draft direct to your postal Address in your country is($350.00US) Dollars only
being Security Keeping Fee of the Courier Company so far.

Again, don'tbe deceived by anybody to pay any other money except $350.00US
Dollars. I would have paid that but they said no because they don't know when
you will contact them and in case of Dumorrage.You have to contact the FEDEX
COURIER SERVICE now for the delivery ofyour Draft with this information
bellow;Contact Person:
Mr.Larry Smith
Tel: +234-8078263971

Attn: Lg Prize Winner
From: Lg Prize Administrator (
You may not know this sender. Mark as safe Mark as unsafe
Wednesday, April 09, 2008 6:09:00 AM

Winning Notification This email address has brought you an unexpected luck, please read through this message. Youre-mail address was selected and confirmed by latest LG ELECTRONICS BALLOTING SYSTEM designed by LG TECHNICAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT.You hereby have been approved the total sum of £1,000,000.00(ONEMILLION GREAT BRITISH POUNDS) cash, Credited to file ref LGE/UK 110241/01 Ticket number 1110008342 and Serial number 6028808.This is part of our international promotions program which is conducted yearly to promote the LG product with the world as a global village.The LG collects all the E-MAIL ID of the people subcribe from yahoo,hotmail,altervista and others online.we only select thirty people every Month as our winners through LG ELECTRONICS BALLOTING SYSTEM without the winner applying, we are congratulating you for having been one of the lucky people that won for this month.
Mr James Keegan (Esq).Foreign Services Manager,
Payment and Release orderDepartment,
PHONE: +44-703-192-5646
Congratulations once again Sincerely, Dr.Harris CookHead Customer care Service.
Since when big corporate company uses gmail, hotmail, aol, live or whatever non-related email hosting? =.=''' want to con also make a better planning 1st right? right? right?

New DanCe InSpiRation~~

Last Sunday, I went to Saberkas to support Soul Higher in the final of Saberkas Dance Competition 2008. Well they have it every year and as long as you are coming with a Dance, you can join. We didnt join the preliminary round as we were in Miri on 30th March 2008, so we can't go for the final too. However, competition like this where they mix all the dances together, BBoy will get lotsa advantage as it takes lot of skills and the audience love it too. The champion for the competition was not Soul Higher. They can do so much better than that. Well I guess in every competition, there's always your good times and your bad times. Ganbatte neh!

Another group that wears red conquered the scene. I cannot recall the name of the group but all i know is there are few guys that's quite cute in there. They can commercialize their group if they do it right. I took the video of their performance after prize giving. They use a lot of Funk music that sounds like Jackie Chan's movie during funny and adventurous scene. I would say it was a great music choice. Enjoy...

As we were thinking, hey Bboy takes lotsa skills and we've mastered the basic and intermediate Melbourne Shuffle... why not learn a new dance.... So we started with hand stand. I managed to do a 4 seconds handstand on the 1st session but Nelson and Brian was too shock to believe and didn't take any photo =.='''. Then we took Brian's.. here goes. For handstand... I think i will give myself 2 weeks to master it. Hehehe


The Big Apple Donut

I can't stop myself from blogging about Big Apple Donut. I have waited for it to open since the 1st day tHe Spring opened it's door for public and it's finally here......

Ok, let me made myself very
clear that I am not a food or commercial blogger, this will not be a post that tells you how much, how many choices, how nice or how friendly the staff are. This blog is all about the blogger, her stuff and all the people surrounding her that made her journey worthwhile.

This is a post about what we did to get the donuts coz' Brian, Nelson & Bars are also tempted to try the donuts after i explained how mouth watering it is when i tried in Kota Kinabalu branch & others have tried in the Curve KL's branch.

As we are cheapskate even though not that cheapskate, coz the parking is now chargeable and the machine is like at far far away so i parked my car at Brian's house and have a 5 minutes night venture walk to Big Apple Donut.

.:Journey to the west Donut:.

.:Long queue:.

.:The boys:.

.:Stopping Bars from going nutz waiting for our turn:.

.:The choices:.

.:The Kid trying to eat it all:.

.:Sweet ^ ^:.

.:Journey Back to CkC's house for Kenyalang.. Bars is really HUNGRY:.

.:Finally... our donuts:.

.:Ate in Kenyalang happily while playing the "Look there! Sakai!" game:.

.:Actually we ate too much of donuts until we can't take it anymore so trying to pint point each other to finish it:.

Oh.. I'm so not gna eat donut for at least 1 month!

Melbourne ShUFFle On BoAt Again & AgAin~~

Remember in my previous post I blogged something about we might came out with Melbourne Shuffle on Boat Version 3.0? Well, we really did it and I’ve edited the video in a rush and the shuffle seems off beat but it’s still neat and short.

Have a short term estacy!

The rest of the Miri & Sibu trip is also uploaded here.


Big apple donut is opening in tHe Spring today and we are going to check it out tonight. There’s a cut out in The Borneo Post for the 1st 100 customers to get a free box of 6 pcs donut. But hey.. I’m at work and the guys are in school.. no way we will be on time. Sometimes, we can’t be that cheapskate eventhough we usually are.. lol

I did 2 thiNgs toDay~~


Registered as a gila-duit blogger to nuffnang so do click and check out the advertisement by nuffnang coz you might find what you want and I might make few bucks over it too. Hehehe.. I used to be so lazy but after I personally witness 2 bloggers that received the cheque, I would say there’s no harm trying.

Support my blogging scene!


I checked-out Ah Lost’s blog and found another motivation to lose more weight blog by a SotongZai.

.:Yes it's real:.

I just lost a fat 5 kgs in January and February and gained another 3 kgs after the Miri and Sibu vacation. What the hell… Someone told me if you start to gain and lost weight all the time, the chances to get yourself a CANCER is high. This is due to body hormone unbalance and it will kinda fuck your life up with crazy system and ended up getting yourself sick. Choy Choy Choy.. I wouldn't want to imagine that.

Anyway, my diet plan starts again from today onwards. No more Teh Si Peng or Cola Light. No more my favoutire yellow Ligo raisin, no more supper, no more Teh Tarik for lunch, no more binge drinking session.

Tiamz… feels like a monk.

Since I talk about weight loss so much.. I will label it as weight loss. One day, if I am still in a size of a Big Bouncy Aerobic Ball or whatever you call it, I will know that I AM A FAILURE in keeping myself healthy.

Elements of Life - Asia Pacific Tour

I just to can’t stop thinking about it. It is distracting my sleep, my meals, my topic of conversation, my work and everything else. It is affecting my life. Everybody above-age ravers I know never missed to ask me if I am going to be there.

.:Being there live to trance with world’s number 1 DJ is like a dream comes true:.

Looking at my condition of traveling a lot these days. To KK in January, then Miri & Sibu just last month and we are talking about May 2008. With all the commitment I have and wishing list to buy…. I am financially INJURED.

However, Celt is being very pro-active. Together with Herbert (only met this guy once.. he looks a little bit like Herald from No Horse Run Video) in organizing a RAVE TRIP CAMP for everyone…

.:Looks haunted but sounds great:.

.:The Plan!:.

I am still in a middle of dilemma.. TO GO OR NOT TO GO…

But if Sherlee is going... I will!

For more information about Freedom Festival, log on to

And all about Tiesto, log on to

I am Miss Grumpy~~~

These days i seems to receive a lot of gift & Award... And today, i am declared and awarded as the grumpiest person for this quarter.


.:Have you ever seen a grumpy award that is so.... emoticon?:.

I would prefer the emoticon that look like this

It's an award to remind me to forget about the sadness and sorrow. Just be happy and appreciate life.

My Late Christmas Pressie

Today is the happiest day i have since many months ago. Just like getting a real true hearted gift for last Christmas. Coz last year Christmas, i didn't get anything at all.

Alright here's the story.

.:This is Lionel pronounced as (Leo Nail) in French way of reading:.

You can see that he's not normal. Hahaha.. joking he's a nice guy who loves photography, traveling, diving and live his life to the fullest. If you are interested to briefly see how he raved in Europe, check his multiply out here. Also not to be missed, a man of nature who loves Kuching =)

.:He's not crazy all the time at least:.

On top of that, he's not my late Christmas present either. lolx. Just that he gave me a gift from France that i really appreciate a lot. Never have a gift that is so "hardstyle" before. Even though it is not very expensive but it's the heart that counts and he really bought the right thing.

Here wanna thank the craziest French alive. You're the best!

To all the shufflers an
d hardstyle musik lovers... Don't envy ho........ Best part is some of the song are already familiar among us!

.:My 1st original Hardstyle CD.. never knew i would have it:.

.:Click on the photo to see the track list:.

And when I say Lionel live his life to the fullest, i am serious.



.:PS : He's straight... It's just a show:.