Ka Ki Jio Kia Seng~~

I received an email from some training and development company that will hold a workshop to Discover the Essentials of an Effective Manager…. This is a very good quote but I already know or almost like my previous post or at least same method… Just to nudge everyone =P

· Resist Recruiting Allies (in another word... KUA PUA)
It is reassuring to find evidence that “I am not the only one who thinks our boss is a disorganized mess.” But the more you bond over the negative, the larger that negative looms in your own life.

· Focus on Strengths (in another word… FU SIANG LI YONG)
Remind yourself of the contributions your colleagues or subordinates made; to you, to the team and to the company. This will take the edge off your annoyance.

· Get Out of the Way (in another word… CHAP SIAW EE)
Some personalities push buttons so personally sensitive that you are able only to cringe. If you cannot diminish the intensity of your reaction, at least reduce your contact.

· Look in the Mirror (in another word… JIO KIA LA)
Not everyone at your office is as affected by the other’s personality as you are. If you can figure out your role in the dynamic or the source of your response, you will learn something important about yourself.

Actual fact is... It doesn’t matter how we put it... in a good way or in a sarcastic way but it serve the same purpose. Just different people need different way of communication or else it will cause conflict. Then we have to go for IMPROVE YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILL training again… But if we can understand each other, there isn’t gna be any conflict at all..


My suggestion is READ SELF-IMPROVEMENT BOOK. A very good one to start with is PERSONALITY PLUS. Why? Coz we should understand ourselves more than anyone else before we start judging others and i read that book back in 2001.

GOOD NEWS IS, everything can be found online now…. Just do the test and then click on your personality. It’s a great start, very insteresting and fun. Good Luck!

Note: Remember, you are not fond to only 1 personality... Maybe a mixture of 2 or 3 but the highest points will indicate you are more to the group. If you are interested about it but don’t quite understand, feel free to call me for lim teh. I love to be a mock philosopher at times coz i don't think lokek ilmu is a good practise… XD

Step 1. Take the Personality Plus Test

Step 2. Copy or print then Mark in each row that best describes you.

Step 3. Get Total 'Marked' Each Column.

Step 4. Click on one of these links to view the aspects of each personality style

I’m 44% Sanguine, 29% Choleric, 17% Melancholy & 10% Phelegmatic…. If not mistaken, I had a higher % in Choleric & Melancholy than Sanguine last time. People do change. Use it as a guide to build your positive self =)

A Man Can Change His Star

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