FrIend TrEaT or TriCk~~~

Over lunch yesterday, Rina was saying that the secret to maintain a good relationship with your partner is to treat them as friend besides good communication. This is because in most relationships, people take things for granted. They will show their true color, shouting at each other, angry for no reason with reason but refuse to say it out and expect the partner knows it, answering the phone by saying ‘ah what?’, show their 1km long face when not happy, being very moody over some little thing said. Well, instead of being a lovely couple or husband and wife, it becomes unhappy relationship. Most people will think it over and over again why they are still together and they do love each other but why is the relationship struggling. Mine was in this stage I guess.. lol

Simple, because you don’t treat your partner as friend. In front of your friends, you will not lose your cool and show your home habit out. You will be more cheerful as most people don’t bring their personal matter to others. Friends instead are the people that will help you solve your problem when you are willing to share.

But what if there are people that take their friends for granted?

It’s really a pain in the ass when you are having fun on a nice day out and suddenly one of your friends just became very quiet at certain times, wondering around, answering your questions rudely as if in this world, they are the only one that have feelings and not even noticing that other people DOES NOTICE their mood swing.

For some people, these kind of friends are to be abandon coz they have no blood connection, not a relative or anyone important so why do we give a fuck about it. Next time just don’t mix with them.

But for people that care or close friends that wouldn’t want to just lose a friend because of their bad habit from home should tell them straight what’s the problem whether they like it or not coz it is tiring to hang out with unsporting people that would talk and laugh about anything when they are happy and mock your every words when they are not in the mood. Whether or not they want to accept it and change or just got pissed off and distance themselves, there is nothing we can do about it because it’s their own choice and as friends, we respect it. For my own point of view, that's the best way to sort things out instead of we being irritated behind them and say 'I hate it when this happen or they are always like that one lah' all the time without even them realizing that they are ruining the whole group's party.

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