KucHing UnderGround MuSic MadNess

.:The Poster i copied from Disharmonic Movement's Myspace:.

.:The Tickets yeah.. only RM5:.

Finally I am able to make it with O.K. with a knowing that there will be 90% Malay in the gig and we don’t give a damn coz once again to reinstate, we are not racist and just hope that they are not too against us. But I guess we both don’t look so Chinese anyway so we are safe? The gig overall rating was not bad at all... the bands played their own composed song and some covers from famous artist that i don't know at all.

.:I was standing on the grill coz am too short Wit a season camwhore Converse:.

For me honestly, the room is small, ventilation is bad but the spirit to organize such gig by Disharmonic Movement deserves a big round of applause and a pat on the back. Just being there to support local scene and open my knowledge wider to accept other genre as long as it is music, dance and art. What disappoint me is they hate Melbourne Shufflers. I really feel like giving the self proclaimed MC (Basist of United Kids of Oi!) a final blow aka tumbukan maut (of course on his private part la…) when he said something like ‘Supportlah underground scene and don’t let the scene conquered by the Shufflers!!!!~~~!!!’ Followed by the crowd shouting ‘YAY!!!!!!!!!’ and some shouted ‘FUCK SHUFFLERS!!!!!~~~~!!!’

.:The basist that spoilt my day but i cannot lie that he's got style and very active in pogoing others:.

O.K looked at me and gave me a Senyuman Penyindir and I looked at him with a rolling eye and of course with some very polite and soft-sounded #@!$^@%#&@!!^@(^%#!% coz I was out numbered in the room. For all the spirit to support the local scene and that is what I heard from them sounded like I am standing inside an enemy territory. I cooled down and told O.K that they should be more sporting coz I as a shuffler is supporting their scene and why are they trying so hard to condemn ours? This means that the shufflers already rulez and that’s why he said don’t let the shufflers CONQUERED… It’s just normal reaction so I continue to enjoy the music. On addition, O.K said that in Penang couple years ago he went to an underground gig and they make fun of BBoys in their gig where they menghina BBoying and everyone at once just simply do some unknown bboy moves to represent ‘FUCK BBOY’. I don’t know why they are like that… or they are just like that?

Anyway this Band (DEADWORM) roxx my soxx… The lead can actually do 2 voices in a time without sounding bad. My favourite band of the day =)

After another band finished with their round, there’s this band with all the fatties aka Si Gemukz (THE RETZO)…

.:Harrashing my passion for Melbourne Shuffle:.

I do not have anything against the fatties too and their songs are in fact quite cool… Just that I am more disappointed this time and wish to poke away the lead singer’s FAT when he told the crowd that the next song is for all THE SHUFFLERS and that song’s lyric is not a supportive one I must say. I suddenly feel ashame of how the Musicians foresee Melbourne Shufflers as if it’s a treat to their scene. Whether to cover my face with my handbag or my hand so that no one will recognize me as Aliciaks the Melbourne Shuffler and suddenly Pogo me or something.

Speaking of Pogo, it's how Violent/Hardcore dance work, from the 1st video above, you kinda saw people fighting? I also thought at 1st that what a rough action they are putting up and assuming someone will get hurt anytime soon and someone may starts a fight but actually they are not… It’s call the HxC Violent Dance and they even have a moment call WALL OF DEATH. It’s quite fun if you are doing it with your friends and can be dangerous too coz anyone can get hurt anytime. Here’s the video in Kuching, and in the West.





I also learnt that besides Violent Dance, there’s another move to do when it comes to happy tune like reggae, ska or grime music. It looks abit like Hakken slow version or jumpstyle without jumping. They call it Skank.

SKANKING – KUCHING.. In live, I saw some really good skanker but this is the video I got… a bit too soft but that’s what they did.. I need not to cover the truth.



And now I hope everyone knows a little bit more about Underground music that they are not just jumping and fighting. The thing I like about this gig is that, people who went to this gig were not on drug or at least I can’t recognize any I AM HIGH face. However, there are also certain moves for the music just like Melbourne Shuffle or any other dances. The more you support different activities, the wider your knowledge is. But… there’s always pros & cons. The pros are, I found out that Kuching has good underground bands & supporters and learnt 2 of the new dances. The Cons are they are negative coz they dislike others for example Melbourne Shufflers for whatever reason they have, I don’t want to know.

Will or will I not support the next gig? It depends on whether my disappointment nerves are cooling off or not coz honestly I quite like their music even though I know zero of the title or the real artist or even memorizing their band’s name. Just that I am hoping so much that they didn’t or won’t mention anything about Melbourne Shufflers or even other genre. Where are all the UNITE ALL AS ONE and the SUPPORT LOCAL SCENE spirit… Sometimes I wonder if I am just too naïve.

I don't know if the underground music lover or those that involved in that gig is going to hate me but my reply to them is... they hurt me even deeper when the 1st time I hear them insulting the Melbourne Shufflers and I didn't even walk out from the room... All these because of what? People make mistakes, we are not born haters and most of all, I love Kuching and the scene.

.:Peace out:.

2 Voices:

disharmonic movement said...

dear writer,
aku br terbaca ur comment about our gig..aku nk mdh thanx for ur support turun gig aku..aku nk mdh sorry jwk if kau tersinggung dgn statement aku..sbnanya aku mlh statement ya k miak2 band yg byk dh jd trendy poser yg xda pendirian tetap..mcm mn music indie top cdak jd mods..bla music punk top cdak jd punkers..bla org shuffle nya pun nk shuffle jwk..sbb ya aku mlh statement cmya hari ya..aku harap ko sik salah phm ngn aku..tp mn ko sik dpt terima jwk aku nk apologize byk2 la..aku support ktkorg..byk jwk shufflers kt ctok kwn2 aku..klak la aku apologize n announce kt next gig aku..ok?

Aliciaks said...

>.< i just saw this comment after so long... lol.. it's ok. jst when i was there... i feel bad. small matter. No hard feeling.. :)