
My Palms hurt. It’s for the good cause! CkC.. I do not have to go to the hospital YET. So don’t curse. lol

Introducing another competition in Kuching with a RM1k prize. Too many competitions these days... It used to be fun and interesting.. Can't wait for the competition day and so on. But now it's almost like the competition can't wait for us. Before we even master the routine or a new moves or teaching new comers, it's time for another competition again. It’s distracting with the tempting cash prizes that can be extra income into the pocket.

It’s not so special anymore. Competition has becoming a culture in Kuching. Just like our daily routine.

.:Stomp the yard's background...classic... it's RM10 per ticket. Join us to support the event!:.

Anyway, I am interested to see how people can do Moonwalk for the whole routine.. Should be funny... hehehe

Khairiey if you are reading this, Tribezone is not joining but I will most probably be there as penonton yang paling low profile sekali. Hehehe. If it's something good, we will consider the next season. ;-)

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