F**K Battle Campaign T-Shirt

By printing small pieces of stickers to give out during meetup and sending to Arthur in Sabah to give out during the coming Rave and some other guys helping to promote the campaign via emails and Friendster Bulletin is not enough. So now, am coming up with T shirts for order.

How it works

1) Order & Payment duration - 1 June 08 - 30 June 08
2) Email the color preference, size (baby-T available), and name/nick to aliciakcng@hotmail.com
3) Price : Kuching (RM25), East Malaysia (RM30 inclusive postage), West Malaysia (RM35 inclusive postage)
4) You will get the stock in July 08
5) Wear with pride and send the message of HOW UNCOOL BATTLE IS
6) With no shuffle battle, there won't be any nuisance. No one will ban Melbourne Shuffle. Keep it alive. Keep it clean






PS: You may start ordering now if you want to =)


2 Voices:

Anonymous said...

hye alicia...
u hav bby t?
i want to buy for Rai n me....
got m?

Aliciaks said...

OF course la ada.. lol