Where To Go This Weekend - Part Three

This Saturday, go to Waterfront =)

.:Link to the article *click* waterfront event info on this *click*:.

Suprisingly in the government or semi government event like this, comes Melbourne Shuffle competition at 5pm-6pm on Saturday evening and I am invited to judge the compy. Although the time is quite short, I do hope that they will give me some chance to say a few words. Some constructive and positive comments to the groups that joined (whoever they are)... I don't know much about the competition as I am not the organiser.

Anyway, I am really honoured to be the 1st one in mind for an event like this... Not just any Dick and Harry competition.. but a competition that involved the Gerak Usahawan that reveals not only the public starts to accept Melbourne Shuffle but also the enterpreneurs.... muehehehe

Come la... and do say hi.. again if you wanna buy me a Chicken Kebab.. I am glad to eat it while I judge.. coz I can't judge properly if I am hungry right??? hahaha...

2 Voices:

disharmonic movement said...

mun beli chicken kebeb boleh menang sik?wawawawa

Aliciaks said...

oi jangan rasuah