So good to Be Back~~

I guess my life now is back on track. Back to where I was before Sherlee has gone to the West Malaysia MIA for over 2 years. For the moment she was away, I was stuck in a lost world which I did not even know where should I go next, what should I do next, or even what was I doing drowning in a world which doesn’t suite my personality nor my love to alcohol (sometimes) at all…

I’ve beginning to let go the past sloowwwwwwwwwwwlllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy now.. and starts to don’t give a shit of what other people thinks anymore. I cared too much and worried too much all the time. Man, I keep forgetting that we live only once or at least remember it for this life only.

The brand new me that I built and wasted when my partner in crime was gone is now buried in the mud somewhere at Sarawak Cultural Village last Saturday. RM90 to throw away all my trouble is considered reasonable. I have not seen myself smiling so happily for a very-very long time.

This is the brand old me and I like it this way.

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