Why aliciaks and not aliciakc?

So what's the 'ks' stands for actually since my name is Koh Chang & not Koh Shang?

The not so cool reason is that when you read aliciaks.... sounds cooler & aliciakc .... sounds like you are about to sneeze or something...

Cool Reason:-

KS = Kia Su (Afraid to lose)

KS = Kia Si (Afraid to Die)

KS = Keh Si (Acting like you're dead)

KS = Keh Si (Very Cool)

KS = Keh Sai (Chicken Shit)

KS = Kana Sai (Like Shit)

KS = Kau Sai (Dog Shit)

KS = Kau Sui (Beautiful Enough)

KS = Kau Sio (Hot Enough)

KS = Kah Si (Dare to die)

KS = Kih Si (Go to Hell)

etc etc etc

Now that you know how unique aliciaks is, dont be jelous ok :P

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