My PhiloSophy and My MiNd SeT

*Sorry guys.. gonna be a bit boring .. all on myself.. nothing to laugh about*

Common question

Many folks have mistaken or confused about me for quite a few things such ass...

1 - Most famous thought! (Is she a lesbian?) - No
2 - Is she still studying or working? - Both
3 - Is she or her family rich? - No.. but I will be soon if I work freaking hard and gets fcuking lucky
4 - Is she single? Yes and still enjoying being 1
5 - What's camel that people keep on saying these days? (This answer cannot be disclosed anyhow)

What Made me -me-?

Since childhood, my father has been my living dictionary of life. Everything he said to me does make sense because he reads a lot, never missed his Madarine news on TV and have all types of friends from the underground to inspector when Kuching was still in Japanese occupation. Well I am really lucky to have a knowledgable dad.

I work & study to improve myself and not for a living YET. I am business minded and I dream big coz peepz who don't dream don't go anywhere. Mixing up with different friends like a cocktail.... is my hobby. I can talk to a beggar on the roadside or even ask someone for direction even if i know where it is.. just for the fun of it and to talk to peepz around.

I am a person who want to learn and at the same time don't want to miss the fun..... It's really hard to concentrate on 2 things at 1 time but that's a challenge and thrill.

Sometimes i talked too much when I am around with friends... maybe it's because I know so many things & i just want to share it with everybody but when they look very blurr or bored, I'll stop. hehehe

Where does she learn all those shits that she knows?

1) Friends from all over Kuching is enough to learn all the useless and useful stuff.... (This means we can't look down on peepz... educated or non-educated.. they are both different in their own unique way)

2) Working various part time jobs since Form 2 at many locations really enhanced my superb knowledge on different type of colleagues and different type of bosses.....

Apparently Friends & Works are related..

When I was working with Riverside Cineplex & Superbowl during Form 4 & Form 5, I really learnt a lot of bad tricks and bad words and how to talk while you are laughing. These people rocks man.... but time flies and now they are all.......
- Spare part shop, Sales person, Still in Riverside Superbowl... Lack of improvement
Lesson (Yes can be damn crazy but must have attitude.... or else can go Sentosa)

When I was working in a karaoke with my godma's best friend, I learnt that... all men are chicky, beers cure everything, how men & women can do hanky panky behind their spouse and also singing is not my dream career.
- The Karaoke closed down... lack of management system
Lesson (If you are a boss in a pub or bar or whatever... do not Keh Khiang & drink so much)

Worked in another Karaoke as a cashier that has got GRO er... ~~Learnt that it is a hard day live & I have been working like a dog~~ (Morning working, 7pm-9pm got class, 10.00pm work till 1.00am) and a person can really look like a zombie when they are lack of rest.
- The pub still going very Hiong ah! coz got GRO mar & a the owner owns another business mar.
- The GRO's really got divided into few clangs... What to do... they are working for their living due to low-educated and family at Kampung are all counting on them.
Lesson (Big business owners are damn cunning and ciak their staff Tak Tak) & I quit being a workaholic.... life is short & need to live full out of it.....

Since She is a Straight Cabo... curios about her dream guy wor...

Appearance & the romantic guys are ladies dream but that doesn't really matter to me because Appreance can always upgrade.. Romantic can always fix. Everything can do 1... :P

Most important... must have sparksssss... must have trust.....must have mutual conversation and understanding... must not care so much about how i bring myself coz i know what i am doing... must have personal development planning...

A little about me from Pictures

I have....

Superb Daddy who's the most sporting dad ever

Since the 1st day I step on earth, I...

Was a spoilt bratt who everbody loves... till now I am still 1... hahaha... who cried while taking family photo and who understand that Fashion is very important since early age

Who loves dancing and believed that dogs & cats won't fight

Who went to the same class with lingie since primary 1 & went through crazy things along the way..... We were big fan of Mc Donald then!

Who simply strolled around from SRK Song Kheng Hai to India Street and jumped in Waterfront Fountain to collect coins for fun.....

Was one of the monkeys & 3 little sisters who did crazy posses in The Muara Tebas Temple long time ago and have faith that gambling is not a crime

During my growing up process I....

Inherited my brother's interest in skateboarding

Tend to learn things which common gals don't.... something special but peepz just get me very wrong for being a TOM or LES..... -_-lll Any1 wanna do survey on their road.. i can help... :P

Nearly became a singer (Dayang Norfaizah next to me 1997 in RTM Bintang Remaja Final... now a top 10 in Malaysia singing industry)

Who just loves my own attitude and became one of the anime freako...

Got My Self A TattOo

Now I....

Fell in love with the Japanese Tradition.....
Love Malaysia Even More

Attempted to terrorise The twin tower a year ago..

Obsessed with alcohol and had a good study on em' and sometimes carries them around even to Azar Burger at 24hours having Screwdriver (common name :Vodka Orange)

Just haVe to go to InterestIng Places where murder cases just happend a wEeK before and LoVes Possing when Taking Artistic PhotoS

Possesed 3 characters at work, home & with friends

Ever since 01st January 2005............

My head has been hit, pat, slapped, clapped around like in the Korean movies...... what's wrong with Kuching Peepz.. They're just jealous because my head is more beautiful than theirs i guess.....

Looking back at what i did is really making me missing all the happy moments but PAST IS PAST & WHAT IS DONE IS DONE.....

..Learn from the mistake and always looking ahead for new adventures..

Pretty much about me huh... so anymore question???

4 Voices:

eLisSa said...

wher's the freaking chap goh mei "thing" ? d

Anonymous said...

So many word to say..Juling laio..good photo..father really sporting..

ShenTak said...

loso wei!!! send u back to mongolia

Aliciaks said...

Not from Mongolia why send me there... Ok also la.. give me USD700 for 1 way ticket can? can? can?