Tribezone - Q&A?

Gosh… I just can’t stand ppl asking me these questions bout Tribezone… So I’m gna make it clear here.

Questions From people who wants to buy something from us or only heard our name once….

Q : Are you from Tribal Zone?

A : No… it’s TRIBEZONE coz we have a lot of TRIBE in this Zone (Sarawak)… so it’s TRIBEZONE

Questions From people who is Soo… Kepo… and got nothing better to do besides gossiping and trying to be the 1st person to know about Tribezone’s news….

Q : I heard Tribezone is disbanded.. Is it true???

A : No it’s not coz Tribezone is a company… how the hell can a company disbanded =.=lll we are not a Rock Band man…


Q : Are you Tribezone Leader?

A : I am not Tribezone Leader… more like an event coordinator coz I look for events and performances for everyone. I do not instruct the ppl to do as what I say. They can choose to follow or leave. And everyone is responsible for their own action and discipline. ( Unless while in an event, they work for Tribezone Events as part time staff, then they have no choice. Coz working and shuffling is two different matter.)

I know sometimes I may sound very sarcastic to the naïve and innocent ppl…. But their questions are really ding ding dong dong dang dang for me to answer politely. =(

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