My 2008 Resolution is 20 megapixels XD

Hope i'm not too late for this...

This is going to be my 25th year on earth and 25 more years I am half a decade old. That’s why I am going to hit the rock and live my life to the fullest as usual. What’s done last year, is the past so i won't look back but to move fast forward. All I wish for 2008 are: -

Setting up Tribezone’s Mini Studio and new office
Getting a lap top
Getting a new camera
Visit 2 countries
Learning Basic Djing and get a beginner set of player an mixers
Enlarge my network
Start shopping for more shoes, bags & clothing....
Blog more... my last year's blog has dropped from 80(2006) to 31(2007)

Not gna put the impossible coz it will just disappoint me in 2009!

Wish me all the best =)

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