My work as a Credit Manager Sux… So I quit

Today I realized that being a credit manager is a pain in the ass job. Imagine if you are promised to receive the payment VERBALLY and then you waited and PAST the day, you called up and being told ANOTHER TALE and so yeah you just waited again and again patiently.

When cash flow out is faster than cash flowing in, you got pressured and have no choice but to call up CHECK AGAIN nicely apologized for bothering. After so many checking and being told to WAIT but no solid explanation, you decided that to give up asking the person in-charge coz it’s NOT PRODUCTIVE and go straight to the BOSS.

Out of nowhere, your phone rang and the person in-charge called and you GOT SCREWED and been told RUDE for going direct to the boss and asking for payment???

Luckily I quit but at least now I know why Credit Manager are all so…. sad and grumpy..

Cos they got pain in the ass... Teruknya.....

1 Voices:

Anonymous said...

I feel you Alicia... I got screwed too previously. Dang..