I HaTE 18Th of The Month!

Last time it was April 18th and now it’s January 18th. It’s another hurtful breakup that I never thought would repeat again. Nothing went wrong and there’s so much things that we’ve planned to do together but a simple sentence from him destroyed everything. I never knew that men change their mind as fast as women.

For the past few days, I have been feeling really miserable, lost my appetite, my cough is back and It's really worst than the last breakup, all my close friends are far from reach. Brokeup with me during a hard time like this is just like banging me with a hammer and kicked me to the drain. Seems like it's going to be another lonely birthday, lonely Chinese New Year and lonely Valentine's day...

It’s like a life that starts from Zero again… What a great 2008 to start with

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