T-Shirt FolDiNg SkiLls for SingLes StayIng AloNe

Yes I am single but I am staying with my parent.. he he.. Ok my bro Chris sent me another HILLARIOUS video again.. This time not dancing class or what so ever but it's an instruction to create our own T-Shirt folding machine by paper boxes.

The idea is brilliant & it's really easy to do.... I really salute these peepz for having the idea.... They must be really really lazy to think of something to make their folding process faster & easier!

OK Basically the traditional way is to fold your T-Shirt as long as it gets to be square right? But I prefer to have my T-Shirt folded like it's brand new from the shop (Which mean the neck and the front part is facing the top)...

Some how from the wonderful internet, i learnt to fold my T-Shirt this way........

@@@And then after i received my brother's e-mail i did a little project at home before i went to bed@@@

And Tadah~!

Well... these skills are not my original ideas but i just want to do it and that's that.

Special thanks to my Ang Lee lil sister for contributing the professionalamateur videos & photos shooting session