
Why do I have a feeling that I am going to spend a lot on travelling? I should be focusing on what car to buy after the Kancil finish paying by next year but am always thinking of where to go and what to do when I'm there. Like what a friend told me last night..

He said 'When I am single, i want to travel alot because when I get married the expenses will be for 2 persons'.

In my mind was like 'I should be travelling less now because after I get married, I don't have to pay for my trip! Wuhuuu~~~'

But when will I get married anyway since I am so busy and soon to turning into a fat and short pig. I am not looking or waiting to be found just yet. Not until I feel like I am ready to sacrifice some of my 'chill out and do nothing' & 'I do what I want' time.

Dad is the first person worrying about me if I am seeing anyone etc etc... -__________- he has 7 children and 3 got married with 1 granddaughter popping out anytime soon. Why don't they just leave me alone enjoying my single life happily. I don't necessarily have to get married because children is out of question unless if it's adopted from the needy but at the same time a steady bf who understand and do not have a wife or another gf will be ideal i guess.

Nobody is perfect in this world and so am I.

2 Voices:

Unknown said...

with that kind of mind going on for another 20 years, u'll be old, short, fat and lonely.

Aliciaks said...

hahaha 20 more years who wouldn't? :P