The Art For Tribezone Mini Studio's Office


I am planning to paint my office with a Rising Sun on the wall behind my desk. Not an original idea but I have purposes to match it with my sofa and the Pearl Habour's Japanese Airplane PVC Poster as the curtain.

I also I know that according to Feng Shui, SUN actually can cause the Yang Chi to be so strong that it might affect the relationships with the colleagues in the same office. Anyway, I just have to decorate some other things in the office with Water Feature then. For me in Feng Shui, it is all about how individual feels. As long as you feel good and you believe that it is good isn’t it? No point following all the Feng Shui instruction and having your home and office looking like shit eh?

Why am I talking so much about the office and Rising Sun? Cos when I was searching for the photo of Rising Sun before I start my painting work on the wall, I found a very cool site which provide brushes of Rising Suns for Photoshop. So I decided to share with everyone. *Click* for link that leads me to those brushes!

Cheers *with a glass of Tsing Tao*

On going Message

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