
I am sending my lap top to reformat today and it has been a crazy life without internet at home since July 2009.... I know.. professional procastinator at home. Anyway, I hope tomorrow I can get it back so I can start downloading stuff for myself since lil sis is not here anymore to help me...

Sometimes, I feel like a handicap. I need help all the time. That's because I am a spoilt bratt since the day I came to earth. Some people think that I am using them as driver especially but in the actual fact, I'm just a spoilt bratt who needs lotsa pampering, attention and care at MY WAY.

I love my dad coz he never complaint eventhough he has to sent me to work every morning and pay for the breakfast (I'm evil eh).. The worst part is I know how to drive and I can just drive instead of him sending me... He's the best.

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