I'm my hairstylist???

I decided to cut my own hair again.... tried that during primary school and secondary school time but haven't been doing that for ages.... I've been trying to call Johnny my hairstylist which I haven't been calling for a year due to dread lock doesn't require any hair cut and cannot get him... so.... I just cut myself la...

Looking good i guess... not bad at all eh??? lol... All you need is a little experience and lotsa GUTS

.:My new hair:.

5 Voices:

Unknown said...

hahaha..i did that couple of yrs back. real women have guts. XD

soft women cries their eyes out when the stylist cut their hair short

Unknown said...

btw...looks good on u.. (Y)

Aliciaks said...

kamsiah kamsiah..kelas 1J punya spirit bah.... hahaha

jitpunkia said...

of all the videos you choose, you chose that dude from tijuana . a stringing class . very very interesting . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8c0nITrVTs

this would be a better video . and do let me know how it turns out . really curious . heres a lil tip, my brother uses 27 inches shoe laces and i use 36 inches, but it comes down to the way you hold it so that it only wraps around your hand twice ..

good luck

Aliciaks said...

jitpunkia - Aiyo.. random ma... lol