Groovy Moves~~

Alright... Time to update on our progress...


Brian has mastered the See Saw like in a day =.=''' i tried like 1 month already and still not progressing. Everytime when I let myself fall, i can't push my legs up because i can't control my cakra... Ended up looking like a human trying to crawl like a dog. lol.. Well, that's what Nasir thought when I was speaking in Hokkien while practising the see saw with Brian laughing like nobody's business. Well Nasir don't understand Hokkien... He only speaks English and Malay.... This is Malaysia where Multiracial are and if you try to do a see saw and speak other language, it sounded like you're trying to imitate a dog! So do respect other sometimes and speak a language where everyone understand... don't be rude.. Hahaha .... blurp...

Here goes with Brian's see saw... Be ammused...

.:PS : If you see a performance with other people doing see saw besides Tribezone.... They must be busy looking at our videos. Not a bad thing~ Not a bad thing~ Coz we've promoted new moves that people likes & proud of it.... yay!:.


And this is a video of our fellow friend elvin practising his advanced glowsticking skills in somewhere else with 4 sticks and still progressing... You can watch till 3.45 minutes and then refresh. Coz somehow i don't know how he uploaded the video which made it looks longer but not.. what am i talking about O_o

Anyway, here goes.. Nice colorful glowsticks in a dark atmosphere

.:It's kinda dark and all but it looks difficult though =P:.

And don't forget to comment on the videos! We are hunger for improvements!

Anyway, here's the people that will be competing in this coming Melbourne Shuffle Competition ^ ^

.:Rai, you-know-who, Brian CKC, Na_Cheers:.

Come & Support Us oh!

~~if u wanna see groovy moves we've got for u~~

Tribezone T for the Gurls and new Phat!

Ok.. i finally found something that i really wanna do.... be a reflector cutter... lol... 1st 2 pair done this morning at 6.30am.. My hands are getting better with the work. ^ ^

For those that would like to get your hands on this Sleeveless T, it's RM45.00 each order direct from me or if u are anywhere near to US... =.=''' you can contact JBX.

.:Normal View:.

.:Reflective Shot:.



Here's the latest Phat produced after our tailor's long break in Genting and then Chinese New Year and all that...

.:Brian's Phat.. sold:.

For more on other raving gear, log on to here

Food & Tea Hong Kong Restaurant

I don’t usually blog about food coz I rather eat freely and not snapping like a retard. But this place, I have to because last January in 2007, I went to KL with a friend who ran away and is now having fun in the other side of the world and he insisted must eat baked cheese rice and we had to go around Bukit Bintang Plaza to search for the restaurant just for it’s baked cheese rice. And that’s the 1st time we met up with Xile too.. The DJ who mixed Sept short mix that we used for Tribezone’s performance and the famous video Melbourne Shuffle On Board Again which hits 50K viewers and 93 love & hate comments since November 2006.

Long time I’ve not eaten the pork chop baked cheese rice~~~ Didn’t expect that they will have a franchise in my little hometown called Kuching…

One shall start with the interior Decor'

.:Comtemporary feeling of a dinner in Hong Kong:.

.:The other section of cozy seats from our cubical:.

.:The Drink Counter:.

And Now the MENU

.:The Menu Cover:.

.:Some Ice Crushed:.


.:Finger Food:.

.:And Finally the baked rice:.

What We Ordered

.:A thin glass for thin Brian:.

.:A fat & short glass for "You Know Who":.

.:My precious!:.

.:Tuna something something:.


Nelson didn't go coz he was not feeling very well or else we would have more to tell and most of all, we wish you were here to order and eat more with us!

Oh.... The restaurant is located at tHe Spring facing the main road.

1st Kuching's Melbourne Shufflers Meetup

After the whole 3 long years Melbourne Shuffling, it is time to unite Kuching's Shufflers since they are more than 100 shufflers around town and building up close relationships amongst shufflers is defnately gna bring the shuffling into a more positive side and the local music enthusiatic scene to a wider screen. 2 heads is always better than one.

So, here we are taking initiative to organize a meet up. It's similiar to blogger's meet up and there will be 30 minutes short shuffling session after the entire meetup sessions (which i may predict most of the people would come just for that) but please understand that the main purpose is to get to know each other and unite all as one not as an organisation but as Kuchignites. When you post the videos in youtube, join a competition, do performances, attending Raves, meeting shufflers in other states or country, it actually represent every each one of us from Kuching. And fark yeah, it does matter! And so... we care and happy to share knowledge, experience and opinion.

On top of that, there's no entrance fee but you are required to buy a drink upon entry. The drink price are ranging from RM4.00 to RM10++. Non-alcoholic :P

Title : 1st Kuching's Melbourne Shufflers Meetup
Date : 1st March 2008Time : 2pm - 5pm
Venue : 1st Floor Khatulistiwa Cafe
Dress Code : T-Shirt & Jean (On a Sunny Day, No Hoodies unless if it rains)
Entrance Fee : The entrance is free however, please bring enough cash for yourself at least for a drink or have your late lunch there to support the event venue itself so next time, we can organize more meet ups in the future!
Who To Attend : Every Melbourne Shuffle in town. (Whether you have a group or not, it doesn't matter. Everyone is invited)
Keep Melbourne Shuffle ALIVE and improve the local scene

1) Team or Group or Self (Freelance) introduction
2) Sharing ideas and Possible park shuffles and monthly meet up
3) Monthly Special Announcement (Competition or performances)
4) 30 minutes meet up shuffling sessions


Bring Melbourne Shufflers
Group Banner or introduction material
Ask related questions
Share your bright ideas

Bring people that don’t shuffle
Sharp Object & Fighting
Drugs and Alcohol
I am better than you look and pattern
Do Lame Jokes
Come and don’t order anything
Bring Personal Matter to the meet up
Think you are a noob so you can’t come
Treat the meet up as your dating location
SMOKE in the meet up (Go Outside don’t influence others)
Throw rubbish around and spit
Wonder to 2nd floor and other closed sections




Please register your group (group name & no of people attending) or yourself by calling or emailing the Shufflers Below by 27th February 2008: -

Alicia (Tribezone) 016-866 7998

Ah Pui (Shuffler R’ Us) 016-898 8799

Wallace (Hazard Minors) 016-809 3449

KeNyAlang HoKKien LiP SinKing

Believe it or not this is Kuching's very own Original mobile phone lip sinking. The 1st time i saw this video on Herald's phone, i laughed till my stomach ache. Not because the video is funny. It's because the singers in the video are Herald and Ah Yau both from Kenyalang who usually do some serious shit thingy.

Letting loose and sing like that is simply Out of The Box... hahaha.. Anyway, the video looks a bit lagging after converting files and uploaded in you tube. It's not the latest video but it's something that i would remember for the rest of my life.

.:I like this video coz they look so carefree and no worries lie in their eyes:.

I KnOw What You WaNt fOr VaLentiNe's DaY~~

Yeah.. it's a belated I KnOw What You WaNt fOr VaLentiNe's DaY.... Gone a bit nuts coz even yesterday i have a friend asking me with a smile in his face.. So you got your camera already?

Mysterious calls and smses telling me that they know what i want for Valentine's Day and asking if i have got my valentine's day gift... At 1st i was blurred and puzzled mixed with a little angry+annoying portion due to my situation now... and then i found out that my article is out in Borneo Post... how pathetic. hahaha

When i was approached to share my ideas and thoughts, I was still very happily in love but when the questions reached me... It was when my emotional unstable and all the words and thoughts gave to the reporter were actually real.

.:My old hair:.

.:My Column *Click on the image to enlarge picture*:.

But I am much better now... Even though still very emotional most of the time. There's this guy that told me.."It's always about you and yourself in everything you do, why can't you think of others sometimes?" Well... if it's not about myself, then who else? If I can't even have a good life, how can i take care of others? Unless if everyone can live in a moderate life and be happy about it, which doesn't take place in me because to me.. only monks do that.

I really need a Loooooongggggg holiday

1 month~Mai Meng Wa La Ah Chang, Mai Meng Wa La~

It's exactly a month since the *thing* that bothers me a lot happened.

And I kinda cheer meself up with the 'Hokkien Bond' influence way of DON'T ASK... It's stuck in my mouth. Even i do want to answer you, before you finished your question, I will bluntly say "Mai Meng" continue with the answer you are looking for.

Am I rude? It depends on how you see it. For me, it's cheering myself up coz it reminded me of the hillarious video. For you, it might be rude and annoying. But hey! Life's a bitch and you just got to live with it.

And if you are a pathetic Hokkien that never seen the "Hokkien Bond" video before.... Here Goes for your pleasure.

Tribezone's New T~~~

So... wearing the same old red Tribezone logo T which never fades since November 2006 proven that the printer and the quality provided is the best in Kuching for now. Also it's kinda boring wearing the same T-Shirt to every performance and competition or gathering.

.:Miri Competition -see the T not the Girl...:.

And so i decided to home-made the new Tribezone Reflected T Shirt due to Kuching doesn't have any single printer that does this kind of printing due to higher cost and low demand. The 1st and trial version of the T is done last night from 11pm - 3am.

But thanks to my hardwork. It's a success... again my tools are the same as the previous post. However, I didn't cut it on a reflector but a special reflector sheets which i got it from somewhere sometimes ago but didnt have time to hand-made it.. Coz it's a lot harder to cut than normal reflector sheets.

If a lot of people start to ask and request about T-Shirt printi
ngs, i might consider importing more of these special reflective sheets to Kuching and add on the rainbowish reflective sheets which cost a little bit more.

This printing is actually very simple if you have the special reflective sheets but not everyone have the passion. That's all.

.:Exactly like one of those T-Shirt we bought in Sungei Wang but more personalized:.

.:How gay is this? XD:.

PS: We are not selling the reflective sheets so shut the fcuk up and don't even think to ask about it.

Happy Valentine's Day Aliciaks~~

Today is Valentine’s Day and I do not have anything to celebrate. It's merely reaching a month since my breakup so i do not even want to plan for an outrageous night just like this.

Instead of hooking up with all the most available singles in town while suffering from feeling empty and sad deep inside my broken heart, I rather stay at home and do something for myself. I always wanted to make a new phat but have not thought of the design. Today, my crazy wind came and drafted the design in 10 minutes.

.:For both left & right side *erased the tribezone wording coz not planning to put it there*:.
-ppl that would copy this picture and save as ur own jpeg and then copy the flame design... U R EVIL-

And so i will be busy cutting the reflectors before seeing my favourite beautiful tailor Ms Ah Hiang on Sunday ;-)

.:My simple tools:.
::It's the professional at work that matters::

I hand made a phat for myself on 2008's Valentine's Day... Patheticnya....

PS: I found this in my old entry.... i laughed like hell!!! *click*


Updated at 11.33pm : The finishing work

.:This is how it will look like on my new phat *when it's done*:.

Blame iT on ChRisTopher~~

During CNY my bro Chris is home and being the only chinese educated person in the family, he infected me with his free time hobby.... Online to open and watch at least 10 chinese song MTV... What a weird thing to do.. but he spammed my brain with beautiful songs that i have never heard before or will never hear at all.

Here's another song called (ai wo bie zou) love me don't leave -direct translation-

I've put it up in my music player. Hope you guys like it as much as I do.

It's not WroNg to Keep LovIng SomeOne

This song reminded me of myself but it is really a beautiful song. Can't stop listening to it.


& my cough is back :-(

Chinese New Year!

Munch Munch Munch Munch! I'm not following the plan! Discipline discipline! Here's some photos taken on these few days ;-)

.:During @ Reunion Dinner 06.02.08:.

.:My Dad & I at Muara Tebas Temple 07.02.08:.

.:Nelson, Aliciaks & The Wonderer @ Star Cineplex 07.02.08:.

Oh by the way, CJ7 is a so so movie and Meet The Spartan SUX!

Coun CouNter~

After 2 years blogging, i've just added my count counter today! ^ ^

Tomorrow is Chinese New Year for the year of Rat. Listen to me in the radio tomorrow on the 1st day of Chinese New Year, between 11.00am - 12.15pm sending regards to my family members, all my friends and Shufflers in Kuching!

91.30FM (Red FM)

Addicted to MyStic AccesSories!

Quick Note : Me & Brian went to Dance Movie “Sayang You Can Dance” audition yesterday. Went quite well… Will update if there’s any good news! Amitabha popi we can be part of the movie XD

In 2006, I got this in Bali. Pure Silver and a bronze ball in the middle called Kawat. It is suppose to be the light of life and this pendant means a lot to me.

.:My Kawat Pendant:.

In 2007, I got this in the Sibu Tattoo Convention from a tattoo artist from China who eventually brought in Tibetan and Chinese mystic accessories.

Om Mani Padme Hum… a spiritual sentences that is suppose to calm everything and is spiritual. But too bad I never really wear it coz till now I haven’t found the right necklace to come with it.

.:My Tibetan Pendant and how cool it is with ancient blessed script:.

more about Om Mani Padme Hum

In 2008, just last Sunday (27th January 08) I bought the pendant of a six-eyed dzi bead at Kenyalang Chinese New Year Bazaar. Originated from Himalayan. It might not be genuine from Himalayan or real stone but it’s a good quality bead as usually those that lousy one, the color will fade but this type I am getting is not and it’s at an affordable price of RM18.00 only.

.:My mystical 6-eyed Dzi Pendant:.

Got the info below from here

6-Eyed Dzi Bead: Eliminates sadness and sufferings in life, and increases access to good luck. In Buddhist meaning, it is said that this Dzi bead purges the sufferings of the 6 paths in our mundane world. They are related to the nature of our human existence from the 1st stage Hell, to the 6th stage Heaven. The 6 eye Dzi will help its owner to achieve liberation from the 6 realms. The 6 realms are aggression, losses, carelessness, anger, ignorance and misery. It is also able to help its owner to develop his 6 paramitas. Paramita refers to the perfection of which ferries one beyond the sea of suffering and mortality to Nirvana.

.:The Warrior Wears It:.

.: From the book Lhasa: The Holy City by F.Spencer Chapman. published 1938. A six eyed dZi can be seen towards the bottom of this necklace. She may be wearing a bone, ivory or conch (chank) shell mala:.

A blog about Himalayan Dzi Beads

Yes I am memang a superstitious person and proud of it. Coz because of that, I always found rare accessories and I enjoy being different (Just Like Luna Lovegood). I observe things that normal people don’t.

BAXX T - My WrOng~~~ O_o

Recently, i have been receiving sms, emails and on msn questions about does Tribezone have
BAXX merchandize for sale? Baxx Hoodie or Baxx T? and even 2nd handed Baxx T....

I just don't know why they like it so much... Just because everybody thinks they are cool and so they wanna buy it... Do they even know what BAXX (The BassAgents) is? I even saw this tread in a forum where they want to be a member of BAXX *click*.... Tiamznya.... If you wanna buy their merchandize, please contact them at coz we are not their distributor.

And I being a unique person who never like T-shirt that's basically wanna be owned by everyone because i prefer to be different, don't bother to have it anyway.

Which also reminded me of sometimes ago, a friend of mine has been through a hard time contacting Ganjaguru via sms and calling up and down to import the T-Shirt over and
all... One of it is a present for me. I rejected it bluntly because I seriously do not want it and the size is slightly too small for me and I insisted not to have it changed coz it will be too much trouble. So it is given to Gracie instead. However, i indirectly disappointed my friend because it's the heart that counts. It is suppose to be the T shirts of same design that will be the significant of our friendship.

Today at Pustaka before "Boyination 6", i saw someone wearing the fake Ministry of Sound T-Shirt and was complaining to Brian about everyone asking me about BAXX has been driving me a bit crazy and annoyed and also about the BAXX T-shirt story and how i feel about it...

he bluntly told me this quote "All the problems started from you. Go back and look into the mirror"

Kanasai... I never hear anything nice from this guy. Pure evil

Anyway, i had a good laugh looking at Nelson avoiding the Hotlink sales girl while having Siaw Long Pao at Kenyalang after the Boyination 6! lolx

.:Donno to look at her, the sim pack numbers on table, his fried rice or us:.

Boyination 6 pixies

New Toy~~~

I got a New Toy. It's not the latest and greatest model. But it's good enough for photo taking and all.... Coz after losing the last one somewhere in April or May last year, i have been using a very basic one that cost me RM180 each until now and found out that i seldom took photographs of myself since then coz it's not attached with it... That's why i do not have much photos with my love one.. It's time to get a new toy before i regret again.

Sabah Roxx My Soxx

Told u i'm Rocking in Sabah!

.:Even though it looks like we're doing syncro, we're not :P:.

So yeah... i was shuffling outside a competition area again.... with Melbourne Shufflers from HR (Harstyle Republic), HSK (Harstyle Klown), FSN (Freestyle Nation) and many more... still recalling their names. I know I'm super teruk but it's only my first time meeting them. So please forgive me.

More Pixies