RWMF 2010

The nice photo taken this year is with Antonia and thanks to Cheang who took it nicely!

.:2010 - In Heineken Booth:.

Last year was with Apy and Crispin. :)

.:2009 - Say Aaaaa & grrrrrreerrr:.

I just love the photos taken in Rainforest World Music Festival coz they all look very nice especially after a few can of cold beer. I didn't plan to go this year though coz I have been busy and few of ma friends are not going due to the ticket price has hiked to RM110 per entry comparing to last year's RM95 if not mistaken. What's with the Support Local Scene guys! once a year is like less than RM10 per month's saving. Boo hoo...

But am still very happy to be there coz I do love to see Kuching having great party and hopefully, one day they will imporve the concept into something similar to Mistery land where everything is just so wonderful.. Going to Mystery Land IS MY DREAM COMES TRUE.
RWMF is almost there but with different concept... I'm just going to keep dreaming until it comes true he he he... Mystery Land concept in Sarawak with World Music? hmm... it's gna be superb. People loves weird & fancy decoration now. The girls with cold drink sign walking around this year is just part of it... It does get better each year but people just don't notice it.

.:Mysteryland 2009:.

4 Voices:

Gallivanter said...

Always wanted to go, but somehow have not motivated myself enough to do so....

Aliciaks said...

To the RWMF you mean? he he he..

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