Suparsoon's Birthday

Celebrated Soon's birthday at Rush Artistry last night.... It felt completely different comparing to Saturday... Every saturday is so packed that you can't even breath.. On a Friday night... It's kind of empty.

Last year, were the same group celebrating Soon's birthday.... I shall say it's consistency =P

.:Lucky ass got a cake made and delivered by a girl and she left soon after that.... how sweet...:.

.:Lucky ass and cake:.

.:Liang, Lucky ass & I ***It's the belt.. not my fat***:.

I think.. Last year was funner... coz he drank 2 deadly cocktails... 1 i can't recall... and the 2nd one was Graveyard served in a huge wine glass... coz in Rainforest, they don't have flamming...

.:Last year's scene.. kakaka:.

Yea.. i laughed my ass off... he was as pale as a corpse after he drank the cocktails last year...

2 Voices:

jitpunkia said...

its good to see him all in smiles, wish i was there to celebrate it with him

ahlost said...

Aiyer.. The cake looks super delicious wei :P