Oh well.. it's my brother Christopher's wedding that has made me stuck in the West Malaysia for 2 weeks.. I miss Kuching very much.. and in these 14 days, I visited Penang, Perak and of course Selangor. That made me traveled to 5 states of Malaysia including Sarawak within 2 years. Next.. it would be another state.. I hope. he he he
Not going to say much about the wedding because I have been busy with the candles as thank you gifts and busy missing Kuching as well plus a wedding is a wedding... I am worry about work the entire time... miss my colleagues and miss gym session.. I PUT ON WEIGHT!!!!!!!
Photos of what I was up to in Penang, Kampar and the wedding posers...
Oh.. and I kenak suspected appendic attack when I was in Penang and Kampar.. went through blood and urine test for only RM1.00. Hilariously i went to Kampar General Hospital and rejected coz it's only meant for EMERGENCY case... I think my case was emergency too.. it's how you look at it right? Was refered to policlinic and amazingly the policlinic looks like a big house and inside is like our hospital Pakar in Kuching.
In Kampar is where Sir Chris's wedding reception took place...
That's about what happened in Penang & Kampar.. lol did i enjoy it.. yes i really did with no regrets... Kampar is a nice place.. small town. Kind of give me the feeling of being in Serian or Bau town.. the only difference is.. they have everthing in a small town.. inclusing TESCO.. And last but not least... I should thank Auntie Mary Ooi for her warm hospitality and for Vivien.. welcome to the family =)
Am going back to Kuching on 8.20am flight later.. better go to bed now.. chaoz
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