Well I had and kinda regretted for not telling them...
I guess I was lack of confidence but now I am a different person. Seriously, i admired 2 guys before. 1 for 6 years and the other for about 4 years and I just kept my fucking mouth shut. Not telling anyone at all....... The feeling those days were terrible & when I think back, it was kinda funny.. hehehe
Whenever I met them now, I'll tell my friend that I admired them before & we started to laugh and laugh...Why were I so silly... I should have told them and face the truth than just kept quiet until now and don't even know wheter do they liked me before or not -_-lll (That's why I believe that we should say things that we wanna say or it might be too late to do so)
I guess I was lack of confident. That's why I joint PR office, to build up my confidence by meeting people and improve my communication skill.
I assumed I overdid it until I told a guy over & over again that I liked him & he told me he doesn't like me anymore~~~
At least ANYMORE means yes he liked me before
13 Voices:
Mmm i know that feeling heh'.. good change.. i'm worse, don't even dare to tell until now lol.. glad that it was past though..
wei...enuf ler ~!!! from now on dun admire anymore lor..
shaddap tak.. u not a gurl... hahaha..
it was not lack of confidence.. it was becos u were shy.. wahaha. admiration and love are seriously different feelings lar. don't mix that up.
anyhu, speaking from my experience.. i had tis major crush on tis guy for a year ++. kept my mouth shut the whole time. when i finally had the courage to tell him, guess wad... he shut me down. sad rite?.. but tis is fine. @ least i know i haf to get over it & move on. what was never urs just isnt meant to be. everything happens for a reason that is what ive always belif. i'm doing just gr8 without him. u'll meet some1 beta k? tis is a promise. =) he is no beta than any other guys. dun think so much yea.. =)
why do i have a feeling i know who.... hahaha
yalar... ah tak know wat... kepo
no u don't! u dunno him... uve never met him... bwueks.. dia kat sini.. hohoho.. aiya.. its past tense dy.. i've met someone edy. =) he is a fabulous guy.
dontca wish your bf was hot like me?
dontca wish your bf was sexy like me?
What a love life...well..love make people become more mature..that's true..Like me...last time see every girl is good..now got 1 who really can share my life..who's know..you will get 1 but first need to through a very very challenging life to get a suitable, understanding & comfortable partner..Good luck..
Thanks bro.. u're the best brother i've ever had *muakz*
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