Last Day of the Year

So how do you spend the last day of the year? Tomorrow, when you wake up, it a new day and everyone is suppose to have new year resolutions to keep us going and looking forward to success. There are 2 types of people in life.

Type 1 - Just want to be simple and happy

Type 2 - Wants more and be happier

I fall under type 2 and there's never been enough. For me, people should look forward for great things in life and not staying in a same lifestyle within the border and not stepping out from the comfort zone. I admit I have been staying in Kuching for the rest of my life (for now) but doesn't mean I have timit thoughts and point of view. If i didn't join the new company, I would have been in NZ by middle 2010 in search of a better life..... I guess things happened for reasons.

Anyway, I have my own resolutions & wish list to state here so I do not forget.... hehehe

1) To start going to Yoga class again

2) Dance.. at least once a week

3) Lamination floor for the studio & Installing AC

4) Must buy a surf board in Bali this trip

5) Get a new lap top by middle of the year

6) Get a new camera

7) Despite all the above, to safe enough money for 2011's holiday trip to (not stating till it's fullfilled)

8) & Finally to do better in what I am doing now.

I believe, the above are REALISTIC =P

1 Voices:

Anonymous said...

I assure you.