it has been a year...

The last time I went to Sematan was 26 October 2008. Went with my parents & Ahing yersterday. A day to remember and it has been more than a year since I visited the beach. Things has changed a lot in my life but the beach is still so beautiful and the sun is still shinning so brightly.

In a year time i have done so many things that will be forgotten slowly... I had my dreadlocks and not anymore. I've started the dance classes and have stopped. I had a friend whom I defriended. I changed my job. Met someone and said goodbye.

If I am given a chance to turn back time, I would have not went to Sematan last year coz' it's where everything started. It has nothing got to do with the beach... but it's the timing.

The truth is, it hurts even if I have denied it.

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