Clingy sign...

When a man starts telling you what is his targeted age to get married, where he wants to go for honeymoon and his dream type of wedding reception just right after a few dates, it is a sign to put on your running shoes hidden in your slack. He might even starts telling you how many kids he wants to have in the future... 'Nightmare'

No matter how sweet he is, you will never get to know a person in weeks or even months...

5 Voices:

eLisSa said...

yup! tat's right! tat "thank you" guy should learn. means he has the wanting to marry u? hahahah.. n he wants kids? wher's ur essential list?

Aliciaks said...

'Thank You' guy... lol

I've added more things to the essential list but i don't want to tell you... :P

Wants Kids.... no la belum tahu pun... but i know you want the monstersss.. hahaha

Aliciaks said...

btw essential ****.. hahaha

eLisSa said...

i don want the monsterss!!! ah ping one enuf! hok chiew moi jinna pai, papa said.
essential **** should b in ur essential list. hahahah!!

Aliciaks said...
