I finally can sleep well…

Everything went smoothly despite hiccups here and there which is normal but no big deal. Someone said once to me ‘We can’t pleased everybody… as long as you can pleased 70% of the people, it’s considered good enough’ and I have always believe in it. The guy who said that was David Prince, the ex-GM of my previous hotel.

March 26th was indeed a day to remember. After months of planning and hard work, it’s finally the day to run the whole show. The ceremony started in the afternoon from 1pm – 4pm. Everything went well. Phew!!!!

Some photos taken after the VVIP left the hotel and before they dismantle the backdrop...

.:With Stephane:.

Stephane has helped me a lot in getting things moving and never being overly annoyed by me even though I may be very boosssyyy sometimes... ha ha.. and he is having fun in Japan taking a break from all the pressures right now. I hate you!:.

.:The Marcom Team - It stands for (Many Assignments Rolling Continuoesly Over Me) Team'.:.

These two colleagues of mine, played important roles although sometimes I do feel that they wanted to give up.. but guess what? they hanged on. Isn't it cool! God bless

.:The Sales & Marketing Team:.

As for the Gala Dinner, a few major changes right before the function were brought up. Some were easy tasks but some were not.. however besides that, everything went smoothly too! The show was good and the people were happy (well at least more than 70% were happy). Many people have commented that the show was really something that pulls everyone's attention... It's extraordinary. Not too droughy and the singers were fantastic. The food..... yummy! I only get to tryout the birdnest for dessert.. ya it was birdnest for dessert... slurpp..

Photo opportunity. How can I miss this?! So i just jumped in and posed. lol whoever wna take my shots, please do.. ha ha

.:The Chinatown Shanghai Dolls, MC Charlie, Frank Bray & I:.

.:With the chinese press... sincere apology guys & girl.. the table arrangement changed a bit but i hope you are happy with the show!:.

Do I want to do this again??? I don’t know.. but definitely, there’s only going to be one grand opening so I guess not unless if I join a new property ei? hmmm.... i don't see it coming anytime soon...

For an almost full event photos coverage, please log on here by one of the invited bloggers.

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