tribezone .:ravers epidemic:.

.:My dream has finally came true.... Reflectors~~~ Reflectors~~~ Reflectors~~~:.

14 colors which is now in hand

.:This is the logo of the brand:.

tribezone's monkey business starts kicking............

Anyone interested to get reflector by sheets? Ho ho ho... Christmas is around the corner & that's what me & Elvin is doing... Selling reflector by sheets... You can now make your own phatties without worrying where to get the reflectors... Coz it's all right here right now at affordable price of RMXX (40cm X 40cm) per sheet 14 colors selection :P E-mail me or message me for further info........

In a month time, we will be coming out with the 1st 2 pairs of phatties locally made with drill lightweight water resistant material making it's quality equal to the Australian but in a better affordable price.

Why 1 month? Coz our drill material are still on their way.... he he he

Organisation Fact :-

A joint venture phatties & reflectors concerned between me & Elvin to provide affordable reflector & phatties to the entire shufflers nation. Invited few peepz since beginning of the year but none are interested or too busy for this.

More Interesting fact: -

Kuching shufflers will use this brand's name whenever organising events or involving in performances as tribezone will be their official sponsors Morally for the time being as the business has just started to bounce around. This is the purpose to unite all Kuching Melbourne Shuffle enthusiasts to organise events together making it succesful and it includes any member from any team. All helpful people are welcome.

The mission of this peepz is to collect fund & organise bigger scale party in the future and make it real big, organising free parties, gathering & competition tour.

When few peepz gather around to share their thoughts and idea, wonders created and to make it happen, everybody becomes very important.

Will be posting anything in regards of tribezone's event in a new blog to avoid conjextion in my personal blog :P

3 Voices:

Anonymous said...

aiya dun blog, get a .com , .net . lol

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

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