ChiNesE Drum PlAyEr

Sarawak Tourism Board has officially launched it's new Website at yesterday at s e n s o so I kinda checked it out & I found it's quite cool when I logged in & the 1st music I hear is the Sape music which is originated from the Orang Kayan.
Anyway, I started to browse in & started with Cultural Paradise, chinese, and saw this picture.....

~Lion dance~

Which tidiously reminded me of chinese drum beat and also something interesting related scenerio which I cannot ressist but to take a video at on a good Jolly Labour Day afternoon at Hock Lee. The arcade's chinese drumset game was surrounded by lotsa people & me being a Kepo PR girl, of course I would want to know Wassup! Wassup!... go nearer & I found this

~Cannot stand laughing at how serious she was and the cool waikiki outfit~

1 Voices:

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.