Thai Food Crave

.:Pork Rinds in a Container:.
Since my last Thailand trip in October 2011, I've always wanted to make my own Thai style pork rinds 'Kaeb Moo' as comparing to the ones I had here which is so hard it might break my tooth. The pork rinds in Kuching are made as one of the ingredient for soup and the one in Thailand is made as snacks. It has a the super crunchy texture and at the same time it's not too oily after being deep fried and drained properly.

I made some research through and found out that it's also a popular snack in the Philipines. They are called with different names. The video shown below is basically what I did but i added in some 5 spices powder, salt, pepper and chilli powder to add a twist of spiciness to it.

I am quite happy with the result and everyone who ate it were also happy coz Pork is the happiest meat of all. Everytime anyone mentioning Pork, the rest will put a big smile on their face with their eyes glowing. Perhaps this is a muslim country customary where they are eating places that do not sell pork and even work places that do not allow their staffs to bring Pork into the premises in respect to the muslims.

It's an evident of a natural human behaviour. The more you control them in something, the more they are excited to do it. Who knows... we might not love Pork that much and treat it equal to other meat if Pork is everywhere in everyshop. We'll never know...

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