Cultural Connected

Being a half native (Bidayuh) and brought up in a very Chinese environment, this is the first year I started to appreciate my mum's culture. I suspect it's the influence of engagement with communities in my work. I'm inspired of their spirits to keep their culture alive and trying to manage their daily activities in a sustainable manner to conserve their 'home'. Looking out for their own people and being buyers when it comes to their own tribes. It's not a bad thing at all because it's just human nature to prioritize our own family.

For the past 29 years, I do not know anyone from my mum's village besides my uncles, aunties & first cousins. I met 2 strong members of the JKKK-Duyoh who are working on eco-tourism in Bau area in one of the workshop i attended for work. It hit me hard on why am I not doing anything for my mum's village and the people because we're all connected in a way or another. I'm glad to be somewhat part of it contributing whenever I can before it's not too late. I feel blessed and appreciate the journey of my life that brings bright lights from time to time.

Anyway, when I was stranded in KL over Harvest Festival because there were no seats for the flights, I suggested for  a little BBQ party at my brother's house in Puchong. Surprisingly everyone was excited and we threw a great siblings gathering with some friends from KL. 

.:Brenda & Chris BBQing:.
.:Yummy in progress:.
.:Chris's crazy poodle:.
.:The ethnic popular food!:.
.:Giant Crab.. probably result from unsustainable fishing:.
.:Batik Cake chocolate coror.. lol:.
.:Brenda & The dog Ronnie:.
.:Chris in actual.. Martial Art Massage:.
.:Bamboo Chicken Recipe:.
.:Elissa with her lips:.
.:Empty Bottle Rice Wine from Borneo:.
.:Me enjoy talking throughout the dinner:.
.:Chris and his game... silly brother dancing like a girl:.

Everyone was happy and the food was good! :D

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