
.:In front of the dragon right in front of the hotel... and I am still in my office wear -_-''':.

Pekerja Cemerlang of The Year bah...ka ka ka

I was so disappointed last night.. Nobody in trancing one le... That usually is the scary part. he he he.

Plus all the cars were not properly decorated like last time. People just wear whatever they want and do whatever they want.. haiya... the era is changing.

The worst is that the rubbish were thrown everywhere too.. sien liao

2 Voices:

ahlost said...

I heard that these ppl start to wear very casual and anyhow they like compared to last time :x

Wow.. Congrats for the Pekerja Cemerlang ohh :D

Aliciaks said...

pekerja cemerlang is self proclaimed one la.... hahaha