New Car :)

I've finally fullfilled resolution no.2 of year 2011 couple months ago which it to get a new car. I only got the chance to have a good photo of it over the weekend during home car wash session with aunt Ongako. It was a fine day and the dogs didn't want to miss out the car wash day too. :)

.:Naza Citra SE:.
.:Washing at home on a Saturday:.

.:William my spoilt baby and Bobby trying ot block the view:.
.:Iwan also came out to check-out who's gossiping:.

.:I just love this shot:.
And that's my Saturday afternoon while I enjoyed the sun and my paparazzi sister. :D


These days, my mind have been complaining alot to me... In everything I do, every place i go, everyone i meet.. No good No good... my mind is now very confused  and have been complaining too much. So I have told my mind this 'Sorry the complain department is closed so please come back tomorrow and drop your complaints into the suggestion box which is the garbage can next to the entrance of the department'.

Why am I worrying so much and being so negative these days... must have been the Chi attracting the unnesessaries (Oh yes I am superstitious about this). Time to read up Lilian Too's bad english Feng Shui book and get a proper compass. I lost the old one. Can't find it really coz I didn't need it for a long time now...